Meet Kim

Christian. Mom. Friend.

Massage Therapist.
Birth Boot Camp Childbirth Instructor.
Birth Boot Camp Birth Doula.
Birth Boot Camp Postpartum Doula.

Helping women work with their bodies and learn how strong they are during childbirth is my most treasured role so far in this lifetime. I love supporting women throughout their pregnancies, teaching them to listen to their bodies, and helping them feel empowered during labor and delivery. I’ve been a certified Birth Doula for 6 years (now certified under Birth Boot Camp) and a Licensed Massage Therapist for 9 years. My duty is to provide a continuous source of comfort, encouragement, and support, both emotional and physical, during labor. My goal is to help families have a safe, healthy, positive labor experience. Whether your goal is to be educated and well-prepared before your birth, to have comfort and relief during your pregnancy, to reduce medical intervention during birth or you simply want support during labor and delivery, I am happy to help you have the birth that YOU desire. During your labor and delivery, I will serve as a voice of experience, help you with relaxation so you can work with your body during the labor process, advise you on different labor positions, and offer non-medical pain management techniques.

Let’s talk about how I can help you have the birth experience that you want!